Foreigners doing voodoo on Kendrick Lamar’s babymama, Whitney Alford and Dave Free pictures in a shrine in Haiti

Info reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Foreigners doing voodoo on Kendrick Lamar’s babymama, Whitney Alford and Dave Free photos in a shrine in Haiti. (Learn Extra Right here).

Within the trending video posted by DJ Akademiks, shared the second an unseen native physician was sprinkling water on Whitney Alford and Dave Free photos hanging within the shrine. 

After that, he started to poured ‘Edo’ on their photos. Edo is a reddish stuff like clay used for religious work in Africa and Caribbean international locations. 

Kendrick Lamar lately grew to become the discuss of the city throughout his rap beef with Drake. He’s now within the highlight on social media after followers observed that his fiancée Whitney Alford’s Instagram web page was inactive on Father’s Day. Whereas a number of celebrities shared posts devoted to their important different on the event, netizens observed that Alford, who shares two kids (Uzi and Enoch) with the rapper, didn’t.

The post Foreigners doing voodoo on Kendrick Lamar’s babymama, Whitney Alford and Dave Free pictures in a shrine in Haiti first appeared on X Redditors.

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